Thursday, July 13, 2006

This Week's Economist

Interesting reads from The Economist this week:

Wall Street vs Wall Street Why the stock prices of U.S. investment banks are lacklusture despite record earnings (read: why the recent announcement that we will get more stock options in lieu of cash bonuses does not bode well :-( ).

Obituary of Kenneth Lay, founder of Enron, who died of a massive heart attack last week - he believed he was innocent until the end, and was likened to Job in his misfortunes. erhmm.

Every older brother that a man has increases his chances of being homosexual by 33%. Having younger brothers and female siblings have no effect on his sexual orientation.

The Confucius Institute is fast becoming an icon of Chinese language and culture overseas, much like the Goethe Institute, Alliance Francaise and the British Council are for the respective countries they represent.

(Note: Some articles are only available in the print edition in the staff lounge)