There were many parties this weekend! And going to parties these days often means meeting lots of kids... :)
Saturday morning, Botanic Gardens, Halial, Elicia's 1-year old party
Saturday morning, Botanic Gardens, Halial, Elicia's 1-year old party
I didn't manage to take any pictures of little Elicia because she was surrounded by so many Aunties, Uncles, GoGos, and JieJies. But I did manage to catch this adorable pair on my camera phone....
Three year old Yuheng making a funny tiger face at one-year old Chloe, who looks on with cool regality.
Saturday afternoon, DG Social, My Humble House.
The City Ministry DG is officially split into two! My "new" DG met at my place to makan and talk about our plans for the group.
Eight month old Russian doll Vera happily crawled under the dining table waiting for us to feed her home made Ben & Jerry flavoured ice cream (very yummy) that co-leader Moderaytion made himself!
Sunday Night
Was called into the office urgently on Sunday night, grrr....missed the birthday gathering for old classmate D (sorry dude!), otherwise I would have the photos of little Leia, Sebastian and another Chloe here!